
Friends, countrymen, cyclist, send me your POV footage!

A rencent YouTube video out of New Zealand and DropBox's new 1TB of storage upgrade has prompted me to start a new project. I want you to upload your video of close encounters, hits and what not from your on bike camera or iPhone for a compilation video. I only wish I had a POV camera on my me when I got hit! This is all leading up to a documentary project I have an idea for, but for now just a compilation video. Watch this video then consider submitting below.  

If you have any ideas or want to conspire and or fund, "On the Road" my documentary/cycling PR project, simply email me below. Please make sure the files are trimmed down pretty tight as not to overload the DropBox.  Please fill out the form below to get a link to upload your file and tell me about your incident. Please name files: YYYYMMDD_locaiton_your-name or provide the info in your eMail. 

Fight back with POV Cameras

Today rolling across the social media landscape was 'Atropelamento na California' a video in where two guys, one wearing a POV camera filming the other in the Berkley Hills. Then they got hit, and the car ran. The footage is pretty hard to make out on YouTube but I think the raw footage was handed around and analyzed. They are currently narrowing it down. I think everyone should start wearing these and reporting, at $300 they are a cheep investment for proof of what went down. I have recently started riding with one and and I feel the way to go is 0.5sec time-lapse, because its easier to make out plates. Also battery life can be extended, but I really would like to see manufactures make a unit for cyclists for this purpose that is an easier system.

My current configuration is a GoPro Hero2 with a Battery BacPac mounted on a K Edge Big Pro Handlebar Mount I want to add an additional Hero 2 mounted on the Go Big Pro Saddle Mount as well.

Here are some resources:

Specialized’s Turbo e-bike & 360 Bike Photography

e-Bikes have been around awhile but none really feel quite right, most are some abortion of a bike or a strapped on system on a geriatric looking machine that even my old Navy salt of a Grandpa wouldn't be caught dead on. Specialized has defiantly changed the game when it comes to looks and functionality with the new Turbo. I was lucky enough to be able to get my hands on one and shoot it, let me tell you it is a fun ride! Also featured in:


My training camp with iPhone pics!- 788 miles, 47 hours 57 minutes, 50,579 feet



I have had a great few weeks on the bike here in Santa Barbara. I am only showing a few rides, you can find everything that I road on STRAVA. I love STRAVA, they have 90% of what I have wanted out of a GPS based training site! I love maps and data so much and it is growing into a social network for cyclist.

Carson's 360ish - Join me!

Last year I attempted to ride from Redding to Fortuna on Friday (√) then on Saturday ride The Tour of the Unknown Coast double (√/2) and then on Sunday ride back to Redding (x) I made it 1/2's of the way. This year I plan to do the whole thing (weather permitting) or maybe just the single century so around 360 Miles

Rapha did a very nice job with this video on the 2010 edition (if your having issues viewing refreshing this post seams to take care of everything.

Rapha Continental | Tour of the Unknown Coast | Humboldt, CA from RAPHA on Vimeo.

Deemed "California's hardest century", The Tour of the Unknown Coast rolls south of Ferndale, California along the Blue Slide Road & into Rio Dell, it then travels through the Avenue of the Giants, up Panther Gap, down into the Mattole Valley, along the ocean then up the wall — the Endless Hills — down the Wildcat back into Ferndale.

If you wish to join me Just RSVP on Facebook HERE anyone and everyone is invited. This is self supported debit card style adventure, SELF SUPPORTED.

One of my favorite things about this ride is the Food and Beer at Eel River Brewery, by far my favorite brew around and the food is amazing as well.

My Strava data from last year.

And if all this is not enough check out Platina road and Hwy 36, this route often ranks in the top favorite roads by motorcycle enthusiast.


2012 SBCC Cycling, BRAVO!

When Cody O'Reilly contacted me about shooting the photos for the new Santa Barbara City College Cycling Club/Team? (SBCCCCccccccc) I was filled with a very small glimmer of hope. I am a huge fan of Youth cycling and would love to see it happen from the ground up. Something like kindergarten through high school have actual bike education with a mix of competitive cycling, then offer collage scholarships for cycling. More people would ride a bikes, more people in cars would respect bike and look out for them. So I say Bravo!