Tour of Missouri, Stage 2

I saw two things for the first time the second I got off the plane last night.

I am guessing for diabetes, anyone?

and this is kinda scary, when I mentioned it to someone there were like, well you have earthquakes in California, I reminded him that we have one worth mentioning every 10 years.

So it has been a rocky start for me at the Tour of Missouri. Threw no fault of my own I did not make my flight to Kansas City on Sunday night so I am a day late. Plus no Moto today but I did get a call from Velo News and they are running the shot of Carl Decker from the Single Speed World Championships so that was nice.


So bad, Neil is fating him up for Thanksgiving

They love Brad

The start, look closely for the American Flag

The kids here love this! Maybe they will grow up and not hit me with their cars?

Mark Cavendish (Team Columbia) two wins in a row

A really nice turnout, it is really pretty here I can't wait to get out on the Moto into the countryside and do it some justice.

guns and alcohol don't mix

Link to the Gallery for Stage 2